1st Factor:

The Power of Econic Clay

Did you know that econic clay is not only elegant and highly functional, but also the top-sustainable industrially-produced product category in Europe, if not the world? According to an independent Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study, econic clay is approximately five times more sustainable than other products in categories where you can find rockpanel, ceramic tiles, ceramogranite, clinker bricks, and even Moso Bamboo. It is so mainly by two reasons: the low energy-consuming production technology and the fact that the most of the power used is obtained from the renewable energy sources. This played a crucial role in our success, as while prices of other market players skyrocketed by 50% or more, we managed to maintain our costs at just around an additional 20% compared to pre-crisis times.

2nd Factor:

Focus on Home Improvement

During the lockdown period, uncertainty loomed, and many individuals started working from home. As a result, people began investing more in their private households, upgrading their interiors and exteriors. This trend worked in our favor, providing a boost to our sales.


3rd Factor:

Accumulated Market Trust

Over time, our econic clay materials gained widespread recognition in the market. With a growing number of successful projects and positive references, customers became less skeptical about trying out new products. This increased trust was instrumental in our sustained growth.


4th Factor:

Strong Marketing and Sales Support

The exceptional marketing and sales efforts of our National Distributors, backed by the operational center of PHOMI Holding in Europe, played a significant role in our success. Their dedication and expertise helped us expand our reach and attract a wider customer base.


5th Factor:

Cost-Effective and Functional Alternative

Acknowledging econic clay as a reliable substitute for ventilated facade systems and a superior alternative to traditional plastering contributed to our success. With a total solution cost comparable to plastering but enhanced functionality, our products met the demands of the market.


6th Factor:

Embracing Sustainability

In a world where sustainability matters, our econic clay materials resonated with customers who desired eco-friendly options. The knowledge that the products they used today would leave a positive impact for future generations fostered a sense of satisfaction and aligned with their values.


7th Factor:

Innovation and Product Development

While many market players stagnated during the pandemic, PHOMI Holding took a different approach. We invested in research and development, launching the next generation of products with improved characteristics and captivating designs. This commitment to innovation set us apart and attracted discerning customers.



Investing in Sustainable Technologies Pays Off

The initial investments made in high-tech sustainable technologies and products yielded remarkable returns, especially during critical times for the industry. As awareness of the importance of harmonious coexistence between business, society, and nature deepens, our success story exemplifies the rewards of prioritizing sustainability.